Friday, February 22, 2013

Eastern's Sunshine Club

One of my major goals with the blog is to create a format to share ideas.  If you have an idea or event that you would like to share, send me an email and I will post it.  Below, I highlight part of an email from Kelsey Davis of Eastern Elementary.

Really awesome stuff is going on at Eastern Elementary in Georgetown, Ky.  Kelsey Davis and the teachers are organizing a "Sunshine Club", a club that will focus on how to have monthly events to increase student and staff morale.  Over the next couple of weeks I will highlight different aspects and events of the club.
One of the first events is a contest to match faculty names to his or her baby picture.  This is such a great contest because of the conversations it will generate among the faculty.  I have copied and pasted part of the email below that describe part of the process.  I will add other ideas from the "Sunshine Club" and hopefully a couple of the official baby pictures over the next week or two.

One of our first official orders of business is a contest involving your oh-so-adorable baby pictures and trying to identify who the faculty member is. There  are prizes involved for the best guesser! Anyone and everyone is welcome to submit a picture – the more the merrier! So please, please, please send me some baby pictures (email me the file or let me borrow the real deal for a quick scan) by MONDAY.

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